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            Eighteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 18)
            and the eighth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 8)

            Statement at the high-level segment by Hiroyuki Nagahama, Minister of the Environment, Japan

            Doha, 5 December 2012


            Thank you, Chair,
            Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,
            On behalf of the Government of Japan, I would like to express sincere gratitude to the Government of the State of Qatar for taking the heavy responsibility of the COP18 presidency, and His Excellency Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah for his initiative and leadership.

            (Expected Outcome of COP18)

            We have been frequently experiencing abnormal weather events and record-breaking natural disasters, which could be seen as impacts of climate change in many parts of the world, and this year is no exception. We are barely left with time and are in urgent need of global actions.

            Here in Doha, we must send a clear signal to the world that "basic arrangements on negotiations have been set up" toward an agreement by 2015 on a new and effective future framework applicable to all parties from 2020 and onwards. To this end, it is essential to develop a workplan for the ADP to share a common understanding among Parties on how to proceed on negotiations from next year and onwards. It is also necessary to close the AWG-KP and AWG-LCA.

            I believe that Parties will be able to achieve these outcomes by the end of the Doha session through constructive efforts by Ministers.

            (Climate Change Policies of Japan)

            The Great East Japan Earthquake and the accident in Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant brought serious hardships to the people of Japan. Even now, people are making their best efforts to collectively overcome this national crisis. I would like to take this opportunity to express once more sincere appreciation for the kind support given to us till this date.

            Even under such difficult situation, the Japanese people have not lost their willingness to tackle climate change. Based on our Basic Environment Plan, Japan would like to share with all countries the goal of reducing global GHG emissions by 50% by 2050. As for Japan, we will aim for an 80% reduction by 2050 as our long-term goal.
            Japan will move ahead towards a green energy revolution, which would expand renewable energy and energy -saving measures dramatically. Such revolution is essentially aimed at bringing about social changes such that each and every Japanese citizen would become a smart player in energy-saving by producing his or her own energy.

            Most recently, Japan introduced a Feed-in Tariff Scheme for Renewable Energy (FIT) in July, and the tax for measures against global warming in October. In addition, efforts by the private sector and local governments are notable. For instance, Japan's industrial sector has high energy efficiency standards, allowing them to achieve 13% emissions reduction compared to emissions in 1990. Moreover, local governments have been formulating and implementing environmental city plans.

            In regards to the status of achievement of our target for the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, it is difficult to provide outlooks at this point of time. However, I believe sincere efforts will make it possible for us to meet our target. I would like to stress that Japan will continue to make utmost efforts for the achievement of its target.

            (International Contribution of Japan)

            Japan would continue to make our best efforts in supporting developing countries to address climate change.
            Japan held the East Asia Low Carbon Growth Partnership Dialogue this April. Building upon the agreement in this dialogue, Japan has been advancing its efforts to share knowledge, information, and technology within East Asia. As a part of this, we aim to contribute to knowledge-sharing in the region through the "Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN)" and the strengthening of collaboration between researchers and policymakers in the "Low Carbon Asia Research Network".

            Furthermore, in order to promote global emissions reduction through the transfer of Japan's advanced low carbon technologies, Japan has proposed the Joint Crediting Mechanism/Bilateral Offset Crediting Mechanism(JCM/BOCM) to complement the existing CDM. By combining the implementation of projects addressing the specific needs of each country with support measures including human resources development and institution- building, Japan aims to assist low-carbon growth initiatives in developing countries.

            Regarding Fast Start Finance, Japan provided 13.3 billion USD and contributed substantially to fulfilling the commitment made by developed countries as a whole to provide 30 billion USD in 3 years from 2010 to 2012. Japan will continue to provide financial assistance after 2013.

            Lastly, Japan will play a role in the development of climate science as well as global efforts to combat climate change through such measures as the operation of GOSAT, the only satellite in the world for the observation of GHGs, and the development of a new-generation model with more precision in monitoring.


            Japan will continue to contribute earnestly to tackling climate change through cooperation with all countries including developing countries.
            Thank you for your kind attention.

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